
LCE candidates asked to obtain permission to stick campaign posters

Male’s City Council has decided to fine those who stick campaign posters without the council's permission and those who do not remove the posters once the campaign period is over.

As per an announcement publicised by the city council., the council has decided to grant permission to stick posters in Male’ free of charge for those who are contending in the upcoming local council election. Hence, a letter has to be sent to the council office requesting for the approval.

However, it will fine those who stick posters without its approval and those who do not remove the posters once the approved period is over. Therefore, if posters are placed without approval, the particular candidates will be fined an amount between MVR 1000 anf MVR 2000 and, if a poster is still placed beyond the approved period, a fine of MVR 2000 will be charged.

The announcement states that the candidacy acceptance letter must be submitted long with a letter seeking approval, as well as hard copies of the posters. If a candidate wishes to stick posters on a private property, a document confirming the home owner's approval must be submitted.

However, the announcement states that posters cannot be placed on government buildings, the walls of such buildings, cemeteries, parks, and electric boxes. In addition, posters shall not be thrown on the roads and into vehicles.

Furthermore, it is stated that if an individual is injured due to the way a campaign banner is fixed, the respective candidate will have to take full responsibility for the issue.