
Official reserves increase to US$ 827 mln

The government's official reserves increased to $827.7 million at the end of last year.

According to statistics released by the central bank, Maldives Monetary Authority (MMA), official reserves stood at $604.2 million in November 2022. However, official reserves increased by $223.5 million to $827.7 million by the end of December.

It was previously estimated that the official reserves would have $657.3 million at the end of 2022. However, the amount in the reserves at the end of the year was $170.4 million more than expected.

Monthly statistics for 2022

January - $753.4 million
February - $766.2 million
March - $865.2 million
April - $829 million
May - $807.9 million
June - $750.4 million
July - $728.2 million
August - $658 million
September - $540.3 million
October - $499.6 million
November - $604.2 million
December - $827.7 million

Finance Minister Ibrahim Ameer last year assured that the state reserves would be at the estimated level by the end of the year.