
Gov't affirms commitment to Ihavandhippolhu bunkering project


Economic Minister Mohamed Saeed has assured that the current government remains committed to the project aimed at providing bunkering services and establishing a transshipment harbor in Ihavandhippolhu. Minister Saeed gave the assurance at Tuesday's Parliament sitting, in response to a question posed by Hoarafushi MP Ahmed Saleem.

Saleem had noted that the previous government had signed an agreement with Qatar's UrbaCon Trading and Contracting Company to establish an oil storage facility and bunkering service in Ihavandhippolhu and inquired from the minister on the current government's plans for the project.

In his response, Saeed clarified that the agreement with UrbaCon was not signed with the Economic Ministry but with the State Trading Organization (STO). The government has gathered relevant information on the project from STO, and was informed that the agreement was in "active" status, he said. However, no decision has been taken on the project thus far, he said.

"I would like to say as a minister. We have not yet made a decision. We are in the process of reviewing many such matters. The existing MoU was signed between two companies. I believe the company will take a decision on it," he said.

Minister Saeed further assured that the Ihavandhipplhu project would not be shifted to Laamu Atoll or vice versa.

“I assure the Honorable Member that we will continue the efforts to provide banking services, port services, and other industrial and commercial activities in the area,” Saeed said.

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