
Criteria unveiled for construction of 50 council offices on Contractor Finance Basis


The criteria for selecting 50 council offices to be built on a contractor finance basis have been announced.

Speaking at HDh. Makunudhoo on February 26, President Dr. MOhamed Muizzu revealed the government's plans to implement a major project to establish island council offices in 50 islands this year.

The Local Government Ministry has now announced the criteria and marks awarding policies to be used in determining the 50 council offices which will be built under this initiative

Criteria and marks awarding:

Island population - 20 marks
Council resources - 20 marks
State of the current building - 20 marks
Working space for councilors - 10 marks
Employee working space - 10 marks
Space for Women's Development Committee members - 10 marks
Kangathi Award - 10 marks

Comments on these criteria and the way the marks are awarded are open until 1:00 pm on the 28th of this month.

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