
Parts of Lhaviyani atoll experience tremors

Satellite image of Lhaviyani atoll; tremors were reported by parts of the atoll.

Several islands of Lhaviyani atoll - one of the central atolls in Maldives - have reported experiencing tremors of various extends to Maldives Meteorological Center (MET Office) on Tuesday early morning.

Inhabitants in various islands of the central Lhaviyani atoll had reported experiencing tremors around 06:30hrs on Tuesday.

MET Office since had confirmed of receiving reports of tremor-experiences lodged from Hinnavaru, Maafilaa-Fushi, Kurendhoo and some of the resort islands in the atoll.

According to the climate monitoring authority of Maldives they had not picked up any seismic activities on their Richter-Scale despite the reports of tremors. MET Office had further claimed that such seismic activities have not been recorded from the surrounding seas of Maldives.

While many islands of Lhaviyani atoll have reported of experiencing tremors on Tuesday morning. The last registered seismic activity was recorded from Naifaru of the same atoll back in October 12, 2016.

The tremor was experienced at a depth of 10 kilometers below sea-level from a distance of 286 kilometers eastbound of Naifaru.

Similarly last year Addu atoll (Seenu atoll) experienced a magnitude 05 quake from a distance of 755 kilometers. Though the quake was felt at a 10 kilometer depth it had not evolved to produce any significant or notable impact on Maldives.

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