
Int'l observers partcipate in Maldives pres elections

Elections Commission (EC) on Wednesday has revealed several international observers have pushed forward their application to participate as monitors during 2018 Maldives presidential elections.

According to Maldives electoral watchdog in their statement several foreign bodies and entities have forwarded their application to when the commission opened windows for participating as observers during presidential polls.

The application deadline lasts 15:00hrs on August 14 according to EC and the commission will be permitting all credible entities presenting their application before the due.

Additionally the electoral watchdog clarified only permitted international observers can take part as elections monitors. EC also added that any party practicing monitoring duties without permit during the election will be violating the commission's mandated regulations.

While Maldives Elections Commission has opened window for international observers to monitor the upcoming presidential polls, many foreign bodies and organizations have questioned about the possibility of a free and fair elections.