
Gayoom opposes idea of parliamentary system in Maldives

Recent reports have revealed the former president of Maldives Maumoon Abdul Gayoom strongly opposes the idea of governing the island nation under a parliamentary system.

So far the religiously conservative Adhaalath Party (AP) - aligned with the coalition - released a separate manifesto while the prime opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) has released their own campaign manifesto as well.

According to MDP's manifesto, they have placed plans of reconstituting the Maldivian governance system from a democracy to a parliamentary system.

The party manifesto's segment discussing installation of an interim government highlighted granting legal status for party coalitions under a parliamentary system if the ruling party fails in acquiring majority at parliament.

However, it appears the coalition's major party's notion for a parliamentary system in Maldives have hit an impasse with former president Maumoon Abdul Gayoom's separate manifesto released sometime on Saturday evening.

According to 'Maumoon Reform Movement', the manifesto strongly asserted the government of Maldives should follow a democratic system.

While Gayoom has visibly announced he is against a parliamentary system in Maldives, Jumhooree Party (JP) founder Gasim Ibrahim earlier announced he too, was against the system.

Meanwhile opposition presidential candidate Ibrahim Mohamed Solih recently confirmed a revamped manifesto from the coalition will be released based on the collective ideas of the parties in Maldives United Opposition; including Maumoon Reform Movement.