
Ruling party MP submits motion to lift presidency age cap

A top ruling party lawmaker has submitted an amendment to the constitution seeking to lift an age cap of 65 years on presidential candidates.

Inguraidhoo MP Ibrahim Falah had told AVAS earlier that he does not believe the need for the clause as most countries do not have an age limit to run for the highest office.

"I don't believe that anyone should be barred from contesting for the presidency. That's why I will propose to remove that amendment," Falah who also serves as the deputy parliamentary group leader for the ruling Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) had said.

The then ruling coalition with the support of some opposition lawmakers in 2015 had amended the constitution to put the age limit on presidential candidates largely designed to bar former president Maumoon Abdul Gayoom and Jumhoory Party (JP) leader Gasim Ibrahim from contesting for the presidency.

However, the opposition coalition since the stunning victory in September's presidential elections has wrested parliament majority and has already begun to repeal several contentious laws that had largely been rubber stamped by the government controlled parliament.