
JP leader express distress over arrest of presidents

Leader of coalition partner Jumhooree Party and Speaker of the Parliament, Gasim Ibrahim has stated that he would not celebrate the arrest of a former president.

Speaking at a campaign launching event, Gasim said the arresting of former presidents citing different reasons is frequent in the recent history of Maldives.

While former presidents Maumoon Abdul Gayyoom and Mohamed Nasheed were arrested not too long ago, they were later released proving that both presidents arrested over trivial matters, said Gasim. He also pointed out that the predecessor of the current president, Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayyoom is now jailed over confusing circumstances.

"Sine 2008, how many people who were formerly presidents have been arrested? We have to think deeply about the reasons behind this. Are these all just acts? [If this keeps up], no candidates may even run for presidency in future, and this is something we have to be concerned about", said Gasim.

Criminal Court on Monday began the trial of former president Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom who is facing charges of money laundering linked to the biggest corruption scandal in the history of the island nation.

The prosecution asked the court to take Yameen into custody to deny him the chance to influence the evidence against him, which was granted by the court. The former president is now being held in Maafushi remand jail until the end of his trial.