
Speaker asserts BML provided false info; bank says otherwise

Deputy CEO of BML Mohamd Shareef

Bank of Maldives (BML) has stated that the information given to the parliament by the bank conform with bank records.

While BML said the information provided is accurate in a statement released Tuesday, Speaker of the Parliament Mohamed Nasheed had stated earlier the same day that Deputy CEO of BML Mohamd Shareef had misled the Public Finance Committee and provided false information. Therefore, while the parliament had earlier considered withdrawing a police case filed against Shareef by granting him an opportunity to cooperate with the committee, the parliament has now made the decision to go ahead with the police case filed against Shareef.

"Images of cheques were not stored by the bank until after clearance under Cheque Imaging and Transaction was implemented in November 2016. This includes cheques issued from other banks and deposited into accounts at this bank", said BML.

An internal audit was conducted at the bank regarding the MMPRC graft, and the audit was based on records available at the bank. Information was provided to the parliament based on the audit report.

"After a cheque from another bank is cleared, it is deposited by that bank itself. Records of these cheques will be available from the bank the cheque was issued from. Therefore, we have requested the other banks for copies of the cheques in question ", read the statement.

After the bank provided information to the parliament committee, the bank received information on some of the cheques that were issued from other banks and deposited into SOF Pvt Ltd's account, the company involved in the embezzlement of millions in state funds. In a letter sent on 21st July to the parliament, the bank informed the parliament that they are further reviewing the matter, assuring that they will be updating the committee as soon as the matter is investigated thoroughly.

In regard to the MMPRC embezzlement case, the bank has been providing information to the relevant authorities. BML's statemet said the bank would continue assisting parliament committee in their investigation.

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