
MWSC seeks party to build cruise liner terminal at Fisherman's Park

Cruise liner terminal design for Hulhumale' - A cruise liner terminal will also be build in Fisherman's Park in capital Male'

Male' Water and Sewerage Company (MWSC) is seeking a party to construct a cruise liner terminal at the Fisherman's Park in capital Male'.

An announcement made by MWSC on Tuesday said they are seeking a party to build a cruise liner terminal at the Fisherman's park according to their specifications.

The bid invitation said tender documents can be obtained upon payment of MVR 500, and will be issued until Monday.

While the pre-bid meeting will be held on 1st September, bids are to be submitted on 5th September. The bidder is expected to furnish a bid security of MVR 10,000. Additionally, the party to which the bid is awarded to is expected to pay 10% of the bid amount as a performance guarantee within 14 day form the date of awarding.

Male' City Council earlier revealed that the Fisherman's Park is being re-designed to include public rest rooms which are suitable to be used by tourists in addition to a cruise liner terminal.

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