
Issue of increase in number of foreign expats will be addressed: Controller

Controller General of Maldives Immigration Mohamed Ahmed Hussain has stated that the authority would not step back in addressing the issue of the increase in illegal foreign expatriates in Maldives.

The number of illegal foreign expats living in the Maldives are increasing and has become a matter of concern. While the country and its economy are negatively impacted by the increase, social issues are also on the rise due to the issue.

Speaking on the government’s efforts to resolve the issues, the controller said the authority will neither be threatened nor influenced in their work to address the issues. He assured that Maldives Immigration will rid itself of all influences and implement the immigration laws.

“We will implement the immigration laws. We will find a solution to the issue to foreign expats during this administration. We will always remain in the service of the country’s citizens”, he wrote on social media platform Twitter.

While there is a record number of foreign expats living in the Maldives, they have been conducting businesses illegally while also partaking in actions that can be classified under Human Trafficking in the illegal recruitment of foreign nationals. While some expats involved in such acts are identified and deported, not much action has been taken to address the issue thus far.