
Police to summon founder of MDN for questioning


Founder of Maldivian Democracy Network (MDN) Shahindha Ismail is being summoned by Maldives Police Service for questioning over the report issued by the organization that disrespected Prophet Mohamed (PBUH).

The Maldivian Democracy Network (MDN) is a non-partisan NGO which aims to promote human rights and the values and principles of democracy in the Maldives.

Titled '‘Preliminary Assessment on Radicalisation in the Maldives", the report issued by the organization in 2016 challenged principles and teachings of Islam in the Holy Quran, and referred to Prophet Mohamed (PBUH) in disrespectful terms. The report outlined several verses from the Quran and 'hadith' of Prophet Mohamed (PBUH) as examples of ideas that contribute to promulgation of radical worldviews.

Shahindha, who is currently abroad in Germany gave an interview to a foreign media and revealed that Maldives Police Service contacted her to inquire regarding an address to with the summon should be delivered.

Shahindha said she was informed that she should present herself at the police HQ within 14 fays after the summon is delivered, However, she did not comment whether she will be returning to Maldives to face investigation.

Police told AVAS that the authority is summoning several people for questioning over the contentious report. However, no details were disclosed.

The police have previously stated that none of the senior members of MDN were in the country at the time the report was released.

While a large majority of the country is calling to ban MDN, religious scholars have urged the government to expedite the process to ban the organization. President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih has assured that the matter will be thoroughly investigated and appropriate measures will be taken as stipulated under the Maldives constitution, while the police have stated that they will conduct impartial investigation into the matter.

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