
DRP sets conditions for ticket issuance

Led by Kaashidhoo MP Abdulla Jabir, 'Dhivehi Rayyithunge Party' (DRP) has conditined that those interested in contending in the upcoming local council elections must submit their applications with 100 membership forms.

Political parties have been prepping for the elections scheduled to ensue on April 4, 2020. Further, the parties have been establishing their conditions for ticket issuance.

DRP which is the second political party that is established in the Maldives, formed by former President Maumoon Abdul Gayyoom has opened the opportunity for interested members to participate in the Local Council Elections 2020.

The party stated that tickets will be granted to those who submit their applications with the 100 membership forms in addition to meeting the criteria stipulated by the law.

Several members of the party have expressed their interest in the elections, and ensued campaigns to gather support. Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP), Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM), and Jumhooree Party (JP) have stated that they will be issuing their tickets to primary members. These are the three parties totaling 10,000 members.

While 10 political parties are currently registered with the Elections Commission, most parties will be participating in the elections. A total of 980 members are set to contest in the upcoming local council election of 2020.