
Conference held on counter-drone solutions

The tourism sector has held a conference on regulating the operation of drones and establishing a standard for its safe use.

Information was conveyed Wednesday by a Federal Police Drone Controller Expert from Australia. The conference was held at Champa Central through the joint effort of Maldivian companies Let's Go Maldives and Super Yacht Support Maldives.

The "Counter Drone Solutions Conference" was initiated in order to prepare the country's tourism sector before a dangerous accident takes place, as it has been recently seen on a global scale.

With rogue drone incidents on the rise, it poses threats to privacy, security and public safety. Drone issues have already caused several damages to the tourism sector, when several papparazis use drones to take pictures of celebrities that holiday in the country.

Maldives National Defense Force (MNDF) and Police also participated in the conference.