
ADK Hospital to conduct antibody testing on 3000 frontline workers

Some health officials involved conducting random samples Photo: Ahmed Ashhaadh (AVAS)

The main private hospital ADK, located in the capital Male City, has announced that the hospital wishes to conduct COVID-19 antibody testing on 3000 frontline workers.

Antibody testing is conducted to understand if a person has contracted and recovered from a virus without displaying any symptoms.

According to a statement issued by ADK, to understand the extent to which frontline workers have been exposed to COVID-19, the hospital has decided to conduct 3000 antibody testing for frontline workers. The testing will be done free of charge for frontline workers and their family members, including people involved in delivery services under its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programme, said ADK. The tests will be conducted using the Roche Cobas E411 Immuno Analyzer at the hospital’s laboratory.

A large number of people have been working on the frontlines in the Maldives’ combat against the pandemic.

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