
Ministry seeks parties to develop six domestic airports

B. Thulhaadhoo - an island where a domestic airport will be developed

The government is seeking parties to develop domestic airports in six islands.

An announcement by the Planning Ministry said as per the guidelines to lease land for resort development on a cross-subsidy basis, the ministry is seeking parties to develop domestic airports or finance the projects in six islands.

The islands and cost of the project

HDh. Makunudhoo - USD 23.3 million
Sh. Bilehfahi - USD 23.6 million
B. Thulhaadhoo - USD 21.9 million
Th. Vilufushi - USD 33.3 million
F. Magoodhoo - USD 8.2 million
R. atoll (island not yet designated) - USD 23.6 million

The Planning Ministry said those interested in the project must specify which airport they wish to develop as the six projects are separate from each other.

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