
MTCC provides update on Foakaidhoo harbor project


Maldives Transport and Contracting Company (MTCC) has provided an update on the progress of Sh. Foakaidhoo harbor construction.

According to MTCC, the project is well underway with overall 56 percent project progress. The first shipment of precast concrete blocks required for the construction of the quay wall was delivered to the project site on January 25.

The design and build of Sh. Foakaidhoo harbor was contracted to MTCC on December 29, 2019, for MVR 52.7 million. The project consists of new harbor basin dredging operations of 39,995 cbm, existing harbor basin dredging operations of 1800 cbm, channel dredging operations of 4,000 cbm, construction of a 507m breakwater, a 100m revetment, a 464m quay wall, 2320 sqm of paved area and installation of navigational lights and streetlights.

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