
MDP to hold Chairperson Election on April 16

MAnaging Director of STO Hussein Amr (L) and Economic Minister Fayyaz Ismail (R) have both expressed interest in running for MDP Chairmanship

The main-ruling Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) will hold its internal elections on April 16 to elect the party's new Chairman. The decision was made at the party's National Congress meeting held on Thursday night.

Thursday's National Council sitting was held to decide the dates on which the party's parliamentary group election, Chairperson election, MDP presidential primary, and election of the party's Youth and Womens Wings would be held.

During the meeting, MDP's President for Male' City Sifa Muhammad proposed to hold a congress to decide on the amendments the party seeks to bring to the Constitution. She proposed to hold the congress on August 4. The proposition was passed with the majority votes of congress members.

Shifa further proposed to hold the Women's Wing, Youth Wing, and the Chairperson's elections on April 16. Although the proposition was also approved, it is unclear how many members voted in its favor.

While the votes in favor of the proposition were not noted, MDP's Henveiru MP Hassan Latheef shed light on the matter and explained how a proposition was considered as appoved without voting.

'Our national council is being conducted much like how some other countries conduct theirs. We are treating the vote in a similar manner now- if we know any proposition is a clear winner, we do not proceed with a vote and consider it passed and announce it,' he said.

The Economic Minister Fayyaz Ismail and Managing Director of State Trading Organization Hussain Amr have expressed interest in running for Chairman-ship. According to MDP's party charters, a Chairman must be appointed within 60 days if the seat becomes vacant.

During MDP's National Council, two other matters were settled: the term for elected posts mentioned in party charters other than parliamentary group members will be five years, and an election must be held before the term ends, and the seat becomes vacant. If a seat becomes vacant for any reason, an election must be announced within 30 days.

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