
Over 1.7 mln tourist arrivals expected under most favorable conditions

Over 1.7 million tourists are expected to visit the Maldives under favorable conditions this year.

The budget for this year estimated between 1.5 million and 1.8 million tourist arrivals for the year. However, the Finance Ministry's Fiscal Strategy Statement 2025-2023 estimates that 1,751,186 tourists will visit the Maldives under the most favorable circumstances.

According to the Tourism Ministry, 1,245,489 tourists visited the Maldives as of October 12. So far this month, an average of 4,572 tourists visit the Maldives every day.

The Finance Ministry now forecasts 1,625,648 tourist arrivals in moderate conditions and 1,486,772 in unfavorable conditions. Under the best conditions, more tourists are expected to visit the Maldives than pre-COVID-19 numbers. The best outcome will be attained if the Russian and Ukrainian markets return to pre-war levels by mid-year or if tourist arrivals from other countries increase.

The current forecast is that the Maldives' economy will grow between 7.9 percent and 16.6 percent this year. In 2023, the economy is expected to grow between 9.3 percent and 10.2 percent.

The Finance Ministry expects 1.74 million tourists to visit next year in the worst-case scenario. However, 1.98 million tourists are expected under the best conditions.

In addition, at least two million tourists are expected to arrive in 2024 and 2025, even under unfavorable circumstances. The best-case scenario for 2025 is 2.8 million tourists.