
'Not aware of a drug-problem on the island', says Hoadedhdhoo Council

The Hoadedhdhoo Council is not aware that drug trafficking and possession was an issue on the island, the Council's President Hussain Warish has said.

Police seized 15 kg of drugs from the woods of Hoadedhdhoo in an ongoing drug operation, some media reported on Friday.

Speaking to AVAS on Saturday, Warish said the council was unaware of drug issues on the island and that there had not even been any such rumors on the island. He said he was aware of a major drug-related operation being conducted on the island by the police but that no information regarding the operation had been shared with the council in any official capacity.

"There has been no official communication. The police come to the island every now and then and are active, so I am aware they are conducting an operation," Warish explained.

The Councillor further said the police officers executing the operation are not on the island at the moment. However, they come to the island from time to time and search different locations, he said.

Referring to the media reports regarding the drugs discovered buried in the island's woods, Warish said the amount of drugs seized by the police was not clear as information about the operation was not shared with the council.

Asked if the council would increase monitoring of the island, especially the woods, following the discovery of drugs on the island, Warish said there was nothing the council could do to surveil the woods more.

"There is nothing the council can do about it. Hoadedhdhoo has a large uninhabited area. So the police will take care of it," Warish said.

Three people were arrested in a drug operation conducted by police in Hoadedhdhoo on Tuesday, out of which one died suddenly while in police custody. Police are preparing to conduct an autopsy to determine the cause of death. However, the family refuses to consent to the autopsy.