
Ministry announces islands being leased to airport developers

The Tourism Ministry has announced six islands allocated to be leased to companies that agree to carry out government projects.

In an announcement issued on December 6, the Tourism Ministry said Sh. Kudalhaimendhoo, N. Kunnamalei, Lh. Meyyafushi, Th. Dhiffushi, Th. Kalhufahalafushi, and Ga. Fulangi will be leased under a cross-subsidy scheme.

The government has decided to allocate these islands to companies that build airports in different parts of the country. The project agrees to give an island to the companies that fund airport projects.

The government has already announced the islands where the new airports will be built and the amounts to be spent on these projects.

They islands are:

HDh. Makunudhoo - US$ 23.3 million
Sh. Bilehfahi - US$ 23.6 million
B. Thulhaadhoo - US$ 21.9 million
Th. Vilufushi - US$ 33.3 million
F. Magoodhoo - US$ 8.2 million
Island in the Raa atoll South (island not specified) - US$ 23.6 million

The government is signing financing agreements with some private companies to raise the money needed to build the new airports. The signatories include Rank Projects and Development Pvt Ltd, Angiri Resorts Management and Operations Pvt Ltd, Muni Enterprises Pvt Ltd, and Dhekunu Dhuni Investment Pvt Ltd.