
'Will win election in a single round' - Pres Solih

The MDP will win this year's presidential election by a large margin in a single round, President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih has said.

Speaking at a campaign rally in N. Velidhoo on Saturday night, President Solih, who is vying for MDP's presidential ticket, said he would win the presidential election in one round and maintain the government.

In his speech, the president referred to former President Mohamed Nasheed, against whom he would go head to head in the primary slated for January 28, failing to maintain the 2018 government, and the lessons learned from the incident.

"There are things to consider based on past experience. I will not talk about how the government we brought in 2008 changed in 2012," he said.

The president said the only way to avoid such a scenario in the future is to elect him as MDP's presidential candidate in the upcoming primary. He said he could work with different people of different ideologies and also enjoyed the support of many, making him the best option to elect as a ruler to lead the people.

"I have been making it evident, and I am confident that in the future, I will be able to rule as the people wish without excluding any citizen," the president said.

The president repeatedly said that he would bring about a peaceful government without having to experience the fears of the past.

"We lost by 6,000 votes in the 2018 elections. I am repeating this fact because we do not want such a thing to happen [again]. Will we go back to the fear that followed that, or do we want to maintain the peace we have now?", the president asked.

President Solih further reminded his supporters to be mindful of their words and actions as MDP would work continue together as one even after the primary.