
LGA CEO calls for mandatory training for councilors to ensure accountability

Local Government Authority (LGA)’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Dr. Mariyam Zulfa has raised concerns over public complaints of councilors failing to meet their obligations under the Local Government Act.

Speaking at the Parliament Committee on Decentralization, Minister Dr. Zulfa said she receives many complaints from the public regarding councilors neglecting their responsibilities. She pointed out that despite various promises made during elections, some councilors remain unaware of the responsibilities their positions entail.

Dr. Zulfa said the biggest challenge currently faced is that some councilors prioritize party allegiance over legal responsibilities. To tackle this, Dr. Zulfa proposed that councilors should be required to complete a course recognized by the Maldives Qualification Authority (MQA) before taking their oath of office. While trainings have been implemented in the past, she acknowledged that they did not provide a lasting solution for the issue at hand.

“My belief is to make it such that councilors cannot take their oaths unless they have completed an MQA accredited course,” Dr. Zulfa said.

Dr. Zulfa expressed optimism that such an approach would ensure that the councilors are responsible and adhere to their legal duties.