Former President Maumoon has sent out a tweet suggesting a denial of the statements made by former President Mohamed Nasheed in international media regarding him. In his tweet, Maumoon said that a lie even if told a thousand times was still a lie. -- This is not the first time President Maumoon had denied the statements made by Nasheed.
Over the week Nasheed had given an interview to international media and spoke on Maumoon at length. In it, Nasheed had said that he had forgiven Maumoon and both of them had discussed ways to overthrow the Government.
Maumoon is yet to make a statement on the interview but had resorted to a cryptic tweet which said that "a truth told once is a truth, but a lie told a thousand times will be a lie."
PPM Deputy SG Abdul ALeem said that both Nasheed's tweets and media statements have made falsified claims about Maumoon, with the aim to discredit Maumoon. He denied that there were any discussions between Nasheed and Maumoon.
Nasheed had previously claimed that Maumoon will be a part of the interim Government formed after overthrowing the current Government and that discussions had taken to that effect. PPM had denied these claims, adding that Maumoon then had not done anything of that manner.
A report published by Al-Jazeera later quoted reliable sources that Maumoon had demanded US$ 100,000 to join the opposition. The report also said Nasheed had given at least US$ 50,000.
Both Maumoon and Nasheed have denied these claims. Maumoon said that he had not entertained the thought of changing political parties, adding that he had neither received nor accepted any cash to join any political alliance.