Economic Ministry says the cycle taxi services will begin early next month. The service was slated to start this month.
Economic Ministry's Director Ahmed Aiman Shareef says the cycle taxi regulations was completed and forwarded to the Attorney General for comments. He said the regulation is expected to be published on the gazette in a week's time and will hold a launch ceremony as soon as possible.
"The service could have been started this month, but was delayed due to the Eid holidays. We have received AG comments, minor changes must be brought to the regulations. Estimate that the service can begin early next month," Aiman said.
Economic Ministry has issued licenses to Ride Maldives Pvt Ltd and Wheel MV Pvt Ltd for the service. Aiman said the rides will be priced at MVR 10, with the option for the supplier to increase the price if the rides extend to other islands via causeways.