
Regulator urges stations, journos to respect the law

Opposition aligned Raajje TV journalists pose for a picture outside the criminal court on Tuesday. AVAS PHOTO/AFSHEEN NASEER

Maldives broadcasting regulator on Tuesday urged local television and radio stations to respect the laws in order for journalists to avoid criminal prosecution.

Maldives Broadcasting Commission (MBC) in a statement noted with concern the recent increase in journalists facing criminal prosecution for various violations caused by the lack of respect for the laws governing the nation.

"This commission believes that such incidents arise because journalists fail to abide by the laws and regulations," the statement read.

The statement also urged local broadcasters to ensure journalists act within the laws and pave the way for more responsible journalism.

The statement came hours after an opposition aligned journalist was acquitted of charges of obstructing a police officer.

Wisaam was charged with obstructing the duty of a police officer, after he allegedly entered an area closed off to the public during an opposition protest in the capital Male in March 2015.

The judge however, ruled that the video footage presented by the prosecution failed to implicate the journalist of a crime, while the witness testimonies could not prove that the defendant had committed a crime.

Wisaam who had been fined MVR28,000 in a similar case, escaped a prison sentence by the acquittal.
Another journalist and a cameraman of Raajje TV were fined for similar charges as well.

Raajje TV COO Hussain Fiyaz Moosa is also on trial over a similar charge.

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