
High demand on eggs sold at Happy Market

One of the most prominent food and beverage, daily goods business in Maldives - Happy Market - says the company is experiencing a hike in demand for poultry eggs imported and sold by them.

Happy Market's manager Captain Ali Ihsan confirmed an increase in demand of eggs imported by the company - the company imports poultry eggs for sale from UK and Malaysia, with the latter becoming popular among customers.

Recently the Food and Drug Authority (FDA) issued a circulation detailing chicken eggs imported from Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and France included trace amounts of Fipronil pesticide, following which eggs imported from these destinations were actively disposed of.

Ihsan stated that following the circulation from FDA they had tested the eggs imported from Happy Market to clarify if it had the pesticide; he assured that the poultry eggs imported from the company's focused destinations are exclude the pesticide.

Conventional destinations through which Maldives imports poultry eggs has India as the primary pick, however several local companies have opted to importing from different destinations recently.