
Three with burn injuries over oil container blast at MPL

Three employees of Maldives Port Limited (MPL) received degrees of burn on their skin when an oil container exploded at the harbor area of the company site.

Maldives Police Service confirmed they received report of an explosion at MPL harbor site around 10:00hrs on Tuesday morning.

Out of the three employees at the point of impact, one was in weakened condition receiving burns to 20% of his body. According to a media official from Police, he was rushed to Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH) for quick medical attention, and is currently being treated for the injuries sustained.

"He [critically injured individual] is getting stable. So far we have received news that only one out of the three were treated" the official said.

According to onlookers and reporters, the oil can situated close proximity to a welding site explored when flying sparks land on it. The explosion splattered oil all over the vicinity and the three employees injured were at the time working close to the site of incident.

An official of MPL corroborated the story stating three employees received mild injuries during an oil container explosion at the harbor site of the corporation, the official confirmed all three were given medical attention with two of them safe while the seriously injured employee rushed in for quick treatment.

Recently an MPL worker got his leg sandwiched between a container resulting in critical damage - the injured employee underwent amputation on Monday night according to his family. He currently is receiving medical attention at Kims Hospital, India. The expenses of his medical procedure are covered by the company.