
'Some parliament decisions on judicial reform contradicts the constitution'

President of Bar Council Maumoon Hameed

Some of the submissions and resolutions passed by the parliament in the name of judicial reform are contradictory to the constitution, President of Bar Council Maumoon Hameed said.

Speaking on "Fala Suruhee" program aired on Raajje TV, Maumoon Hameed said that the need for judicial reform is apparent. The most important role in judicial reform can be carried out by the parliament, said Maumooon.

"I am of the opinion that it is the parliament that can play a key role in bringing about judicial reform. The parliament has the power to reform the judicial laws to bring about this change", he said.

However, the work has to be carried out by the parliament with utmost care, and extensive discussion must be carried out with before bringing changes to the judges act and laws pertaining to the judiciary.

"The best way to carry this out would be by having broad discussions, and taking into consideration the public's opinion and technical advise from experts. This can be done by the parliament, but extra care should be taken in carrying out this task", said Maumoon.

Maumoon said the Parliament has passed some resolutions that contradict the constitution in the name of judicial reform, including the parliament's decision to task the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) with assessing judges and determining if they met the criteria for their positions.

"The motion passed with the approval of over 60 members to determine if the judges meet the criteria has a legal loop hole. If permanent judges are assessed to see if they meet the criteria, it will contradict the constitution. If JSC decides that the judges are incompetent, all cases that were overseen by the judges will be in jeopardy", said Maumoon Hameed.

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