
'Lagoon leased to party before company registration' - Tourism Min.

A lagoon in Male' atoll

Tourism Minister Ali Waheed has revealed that the previous administration had leased a lagoon for resort development to a party before their company was registered.

Speaking at the press conference held at Tourism Ministry, Minister Waheed said that he read the documents on the lease agreement. He added that former attorney general had issued an opinion on the matter, giving the green light to proceed with the agreement as it was.

Minister Waheed said he is currently in discussion with the current attorney general on how to proceed with the issue.
This new issue came to light in the wake of the recent issue of one island being leased to 3 different parties for resort development during former president Abdulla Yameen’s tenure.

According to the Tourism Minister, the former administration had no rules and regulations for the ministry and majority of the tourism projects involved corruption by the state officials. He added that the ministry is working on investigating the issues and will act accordingly.

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