
'PG requested top court for an order to detain Adeeb for fear he may flee country'

Former Vice President Ahmed Adeeb Abdul Ghafoor

Proecutor General Aishath Bisham has revealed that the State requested the Supreme Court for a court order to detain former Vice President Ahmed Adeeb Abdul Ghafoor over fear that he may flee the country following his acquittal.

Adeeb was detained in Tuticorin, India on Thursday as he attempted to enter India via sea route after fleeing Maldives in a tug boat. It has been reported by Indian medias that Adeeb is being deported back to Maldives, with his application seeking asylum in India having been rejected by the authorities.

Speaking to AVAS, PG Bisham said when the State appealed High Court's ruling that acquitted Adeeb of corruption charges, a request to detain Adeeb and to impose a travel on Adeeb was filed at the Supreme Court. The request was made on June 2nd, as the State had credible fears that Adeeb may attempt to flee the country or fail to attend court, said Bisham.

While the Supreme Court did not make a decision on the request to detain Adeeb, the court issued an order to withhold Adeeb's passport as requested by PG. He traveled to India while an active travel ban was imposed on him.

Adeeb was previously convicted and sentenced on charges of corruption concerning the leasing of Maabinhuraa island for tourism purposes. However, after the High Court ordered a re-trial of the case, the Criminal court sent the case back to the Prosecutor General without pursuing the case further. All ongoing cases related to Adeeb were dismissed by the Criminal Court, which was then appealed at the Supreme Court by the Prosecutor General.

However, no hearings have been scheduled thus far by the Supreme Court.

While Adeeb attempted to flee the country, the government has not made an official statement on the events, although Maldives Police Service have revealed that they have begun efforts to bring Adeeb back to Maldives.

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