
Taxi drivers' issue is with failure to implement taxi meter systems

Driver Association have stated that they have no issues with the new taxi fares mandated by the Transport Ministry, and that their issue is with not implementing taxi meter systems after discussing it.

Representing taxi drivers, President of the association Abdulla Ibrahim said at a press conference held on Tuesday that the new fares and the mandatory use of taxi application is not an issue for the drivers. However, the government should not have fixed new prices instead of implementing taxi meter systems as previously discussed, he said.

Abdulla Ibrahim said drivers are ready to install taxi meters at their own expense, and that even if the Transport Ministry grants a two month notice to install the systems, it will be done. However, going against what was discussed and announcing a fixed rate for taxi rides and incorporating it into the regulation after claiming that the rates were discussed with drivers is unacceptable, they said.

During the press conference held by taxi center owners, Vice President of Hulhumale' Drivers Association said it is not feasible to review fares once again after Hulhumale' Phase II area is opened. Instead, it would be more convenient for both the ministry and drivers to implement te meter system, he said.

They also said the letter outlining taxi driver demands that is being circulated on social media is a false document, and no such letters have been sent to any authority. The rumors of drivers going on strike is also untrue, and the drivers will transport passengers at the rates fixed by the ministry, they assured.

They further said the association filed a request for a stay order on implementing the new fares from the Civil Court as the ministry had claimed that the new fares were discussed with drivers, which is untrue.

While there is a difference of opinion among the drivers over the new fares, Transport Ministry has decided to permit private cars that are registered in Male' to provide taxi services in Male' City as private hires.

The decision comes after dismissing the two month notice given to taxi drivers to start using the taxi application, and making the use of the application mandatory for newly registered taxis.

Transport Ministry last week made it mandatory for taxis to use the three approved applications to offer their services. It is now mandatory for private hire vehicles to use the taxi applications.

The three applications are Avas Ride, E'aee and Sri Lanka's app Pick Me.

The new taxi fares are as follows:

* Male'-Hulhule: MVR 60

* Hulhule-Male': MVR 60

* Hulhule-Hulhumale': MVR 60

* Hulhumale'-Hulhule: MVR 60

* Male'-Hulhumale': MVR 75

* Hulhumale'-Male': MVR 75