
Inspection of all tourist facilities to be concluded by October

Tourism Ministry has revealed that the inspection of tourist facilities in 16 atolls has been concluded.

Minister Ali Waheed said while inspection of tourist facilities in 16 out of 20 atolls has been completed, inspection of all tourist facilities in Maldives will be concluded by 27th September. The service providers will be granted time to amend issues identified during inspections, and a 'minimum requirement sticker' will be issued, said the minister. The properties will be inspected annually.

"We will inspect all tourism properties annually. The sticker will be renewed once issues identified during inspections are resolved", said Ali Waheed.

Minister Waheed further noted that the security and safety of the properties will be evaluated and ensured during the inspections.

While a nation-wide tourism property inspection is ongoing, this is the first time such a wide examination is being conducted. The ministry is assisted by the police and MNDF in conducting the assessments.