
Survey to be conducted on generating power from ocean waves

A local company is preparing to conduct a survey in Maldives on harnessing power from ocean waves.

Speaking at a news conference held at Maagiri Hotel on Tuesday, Managing Director of Tendon Consultancy, Asim Riza said the survey will be conducted in association with Australia's Wave Swell Energy. The survey will commence in January 2020, and the project will cost US$ 7 million, said Riza.

Riza stated the location at which the survey will be conducted has not been decided yet, but that priority will be given to areas in Male' atoll and those in southern atolls. The company will be studying the feasibility of generating power from the ocean, which could effectively bring down the cost of electricity.

Riza said the company received permission from the relevant authorities to go ahead with the survey dubbed "Wave Energy Project". The project will be making use of state-of-the-art technology, stated Riza.