
Ooredoo Color Run begins with 'Moodhu Ufaa' event

Ooredoo Color Run events commenced at reclaimed suburbs Hulhumale on Friday.

Every year Ooredoo hosts a Color Run, where participants can enjoy the day with family and friends. Over 3000 people are taking part in this year's event.

The Color Run events kicked off on Friday with an event named 'Moodhu Ufaa' held at the Hulhumale' beach. A kite festival was held later in the evening.

The official Ooredoo Color Run will be held on Saturday evening at Hulhumale. Many events will take place during this 5 kilometers run. A color station will be situated in every kilometer mark and once a runner pass the color station, it will celebrated with a burst of colors.

After the Color Run, a music show will be held in which the country's top artists will be performing.