
'Clear as day-light that Pres Yameen is innocent'

MP Ahmed Shiyam - Photo: AVAS archives

Vice President of opposing Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) and Naifaru MP, Ahmed Shiyam has stated that it would be evident 'as clear as day-light, to god-fearing judges in courts that opposition leader, former President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayyoom is innocent.

The former president was sentenced to five years in imprisonment and ordered to pay the state an amount of US$ 5 million after being found guilty on money laundering charges on November 28.

MP Shiyam made the statement in a tweet calling for the release of President Yameen. Saturday marks one month since he was jailed.

In his tweet, Shiyam called on the state to stop the injustices being carried out against the opposition leader after 'interpreting the laws according to their wishes'.

"It will be clear as day-light to any god-fearing judges at the courts that President Abdulla Yameen has not committed any crimes that can be proven against him," wrote Shiyam.

Former President Yameen was accused of defying the agreement between himself and the Anti-Corruption Commission, which stipulated the former president to move funds in his Maldives Islamic Bank (MIB) account that are suspected of having been laundered, into an escrow account set up between the two parties.

Failing to do so, and moving the funds in question into an investment account, the former president deposited funds from another source into the escrow account. Criminal Court last month found Yameen guilty of money laundering and sentenced him to five years imprisonment, ordering him to pay the state an amount of US$ 5 million within six months.

While the Criminal Court verdict has been appealed at the High Court, the former president's legal team has requested to release the High Court President Yameen on bail until the court reaches a decision on the appeal. No decisions have been made by the High Court thus far.

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