
'PSIP projects must be delayed if situation worsens'

Economic Minister Fayyaz Ibrahim has stated that the implementation of the public sector investment projects planned by the government may have to be delayed if the effects of coronavirus, COVID-19 are prolonged.

Speaking at the public forum organized by the Parliament on Thursday seeking public opinion on the establishment of minimum wage, Minister Fayyaz said the country's economy is already facing the impacts of the global epidemic. If the situation remains the same over the next six months, a significant blow will be caused to the country's economy, said Fayyaz.

"We do not know what will be of the PSIP projects. A large part of the state revenue is dependent on tourism arrival and TGST tax. We must all pray that [our economy] does not face a big impact," said the minister.

Fayyaz added that if such a situation arises, the PSIP projects must be delayed. However, it is his personal opinion, and he is not speaking on behalf of the government, the minister clarified.