
Employees can travel back to resorts: HPA

The Health Protection Agency (HPA) has announced that the employees of the resorts who are on leave can travel back to the resorts. However, the employees who are in the resorts will not be able to travel to other islands even on leave.

Amid coronavirus, HPA has banned travel to and from the resorts on Saturday.

In a news statement publicized on Saturday, HPA has stated that employees can travel back to the resorts after leave however, no employee is allowed to leave the resorts from Saturday onward.

HPA has further said that employees can only leave the resorts to send back tourists. Moreover, the crew members of the supply vessels to the resorts can reach up to the jetties of the resorts and if they enter the resorts they will also be under lockdown in the resort.

In the up coming two weeks, it has been banned tourists to travel any island other than the resort they reside in.

As of now, ten people have tested positive for the virus and the government has declared a public health emergency in the Maldives since Thursday> Subsequently, on Saturday the Health Protection Agency (HPA) has undertaken three main cautionary measures.

In that regard, HPA has banned arrival of tourists to guest houses and hotels in the capital city, Male’, banned tourists from resorts to the islands, and urged to close universities and educational institutes for two weeks Moreover, schools reopening has been delayed for a week, after first term holiday. However, arrangements are being made to teach online.

Furthermore, the government has banned arrivals from Spain, France, and certain cities of Germany as well as have banned arrivals from China, Iran, Bangladesh, Italy and certain cities of South Korea.