COVID-19: 61 people have been isolated in Male'

The government has revealed due to COVID-19, 61 people have been isolated in Male’.

The government’s spokesperson who is assigned to provide information on COVID-19 related issues has said on Saturday night; there are 13 locals and four foreigners in home-isolation. Moreover, there are 43 locals and one foreigner in home-quarantine.

The government had instructed some people who had come from overseas to be home-isolated earlier. But now even the locals who come from abroad are quarantined in the quarantine facilities.

Moreover, it was instructed to be self-isolated, those people who had direct contact with some people who were tested positive for the virus. Among them are the airports' employees and Maldives National Defense Force officers who had contact with the two people that departed to Italy who were holidaying in Island Safari,

In the Maldives, 16 people have tested positive for Covid-19, including one local, out of that 14 people are in the country.

Three people are in treatment while the others have recovered but are still in quarantine facilities for 30-days monitoring.

Following the detection of Covid-19 in the Maldives, the government has been taking stringent measures. In that regard, issuing on-arrival visas has been suspended, and tourist arrival has been banned as well.