
Thila-male' Bridge project to be awarded within ten days

Planning Minister Mohamed Aslam

Thilamale' Bridge construction will be awarded to a party within ten days, the Planning Minister Mohamed Aslam has stated.

President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih had stated on June 9th that the government would finalize a company to which the project will be awarded, within two weeks. President Solih said the tender process for the project has been completed and that the evaluation process was nearly at a close. The project will be awarded to a party by the end of the month, he had said.

While the timeline has now passed, AVAS inquired from the minister for an update regarding the project. Speaking to AVAS, Minister Aslam said the contracts will be signed within ten days and the practical work of the project will begin immediately after that.

India has agreed to provide loan assistance of US$ 400 million for the bridge project. While the loan agreement has been signed, US$ 100 million has been given as grant assistance by India and will be utilized for the project. The project is expected to reach completion within two years, India has said. Minister Aslam has previously said that the project will move forward as per schedule as soon as the project is awarded. The over-water bridge will be complete by mid-2023, said the minister.

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