
May 6 attack: Pres says committed to bringing those involved to justice

President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih has said the administration remains steadfast in its work to bring those involved in the May 2021 attack on Speaker Mohamed Nasheed to justice.

A terror attack was carried out against Nasheed on May 6, 2021, by detonating an IED as he entered his vehicle near his residence in the capital, Male'. Nasheed sustained serious injuries in the attack, and multiple critical surgeries were performed on him. Following procedures in the Maldives, he received further treatment from Germany and the United Kingdom.

In a tweet posted on Friday morning, on the anniversary of the attack, President Solih said the attack on Nasheed was one of the worst acts of terrorism on Maldivian soil and that last year's attack rocked the peaceful Maldivian society. He thanked Almighty Allah that Nasheed survived the attack, and went on to state that the administration was committed to bringing those responsible for the crime to justice.

The President's statement follows a statement published by Nasheed's family on Thursday, which said justice had not been established even though a year had passed since the attack. The family expressed concern that the trials of the suspects were being dragged on and said that the people who financed the attack still remained unknown. The lack of justice has made the society an unsafe environment, the statement further read.