
Physical work of Hoarafushi Airport jetty kicks off

The construction of a jetty in Haa Alif Hoarafushi Airport has commenced.

The work was handed over to Maldives Transport and Contracting Company (MTCC) to facilitate access to Hoarafushi Airport. The physical works of the project were commenced by MTCC on Wednesday.

The project, valued at MVR 5.99 million, includes dredging of an 18,000 cubic meter canal, construction of a jetty using precast L blocks, installation of a geobag revetment, and installation of harbor lights.

The airport in Hoarafushi was completed in a short period, with the practical work of the airport carried out during President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih's administration. The airport was officially opened on November 19, 2020, by President Solih. The airport, which cost about MVR 198 million, has a 1.2-km runway, an 8,635-square-metre apron, a taxiway, service roads, a parking area, and a fire access road. The airport was developed by reclaiming an area within the island's lagoon. The airport and Hoarafushi mainland are linked by a causeway.