
All hospital projects funded by Kuwait Fund to be re-bid


Finance Minister Ibrahim Ameer has said all hospital projects funded by the Kuwait Fund will be re-bid.

Speaking at the Parliament on Monday, the minister said the bids submitted for the hospitals to be built across the country with the assistance of the Kuwait Fund were high. As the bids received by the hospitals were higher than the engineers' estimates, there is no choice but to reopen all the hospitals for bidding once again, he said.

Replying to an inquiry by Alifushi MP Hassan Afeef, the minister said no parties had been informed that they won the bid. He said the Kuwait Fund had been informed that the bids submitted to the tender board would be re-bid and that the process would continue.

The Ministry of Finance announced in April this year that it would seek contractors to build hospitals in seven islands with the assistance of the Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development. They are HDh. Hanimaadhoo, Sh. Milandhoo, N. Velidhoo, K. Thulusdhoo, ADh. Maamigili, V. Felidhoo, and Th. Vilufushi. Health Minister Ahmed Naseem had earlier said the new hospitals would include 30 and 50-bed hospitals and tertiary hospitals.

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