
GIA receives ISAGA accreditation

Gan International Airport (GIA) has received the International Air Transport Association (IATA)'s Safety Audit Ground for Grand Operations (ISAGA) accreditation.

In a press release, the GIA said the airport has been registered and accredited to the ISAGA standard after several audits. The registration and accreditation is a major step forward for the airport, GIA said.

Gan International Airport's audited areas:

Organization and Management (ORM)
Load Control (LOD)
Passenger and Baggage Handling (PAB)
Aircraft Handling and Loading (HDL)
Aircraft Ground Movement (AGM)
Cargo and Mail Handling (CGM)

While GIA has received ISAGA accreditation, the government is gearing up for a major development project at the airport. The airport development project has been awarded to India's Renatas company. The airport will be developed with an $800 million loan from the Indian Exim Bank.