
Hajj quota awarded to three companies

The Islamic Ministry has permitted three private companies to take people on Hajj pilgrimage this year.

The three companies that the Islamic Ministry has granted permission are Al-Haramain Hajj and Umrah Company Maldives Pvt Ltd, Sisilfaru Hajj and Umrah Pvt Ltd, and Almanasik Pvt Ltd. Each company has been given a quota of 90 people.

Authorized companies and Hajj package prices

Al Haramain Hajj and Umrah Company Maldives Pvt Ltd - MVR 75,250
Sisilfaru Hajj and Umrah Pvt Ltd - MRV 75,465
Almanasik Pvt Ltd - MVR 75,000

These companies were given permission for a period of one year.

The Islamic Ministry has reminded that charging more than the permitted price and taking payments from more than the permitted quota for Hajj is prohibited under the rules on taking people for Hajj from the Maldives.

The Maldives has received 1,000 official Hajj quotas this year. After giving Hajj quotas to private companies, the remaining 730 quotas will be given to the Hajj Corporation.

The Islamic Ministry has said that it is working with the Saudi government to secure additional Hajj quotas for the Maldives this year.