
EC sets up bureau to address election-related complaints

The Election Commission (EC) has established a National Complaints Bureau at the Election Center in Dharubaaruge. This dedicated bureau will receive and address complaints related to the electoral process.

According to EC, the complaint form is available on the Election Commission website, at the Election Centre, the Election Commission office counters, island council offices, and at the election focal points established in various atolls and cities. In addition, the complaint form will be available at the focal points established abroad.

The National Complaints Bureau can be reached at 3004498 and 3004450. Complaints can also be emailed to [email protected]. The bureau operates from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm on all days except Fridays, during which it will remain open from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm.

The EC has now opened the opportunity for those interested in contesting the presidential election to submit their applications. Applications will be accepted from 9:00 am tomorrow until 2:00 pm on Monday, August 7.

The presidential election is scheduled for September 9.