
Gov't pledges not beneficial for the people: Dr. Muizzu


PNC-PPM presidential candidate, Dr. Mohamed Muizzu, has criticized the government, stating that the current administration makes pledges that do not benefit the people.

Speaking at a campaign rally held at Kaafu Guraidhoo on Saturday night, the presidential hopeful said the current government was undertaking an initiative in the name of allocating land to the people of Male' City. However, it lacks an effective implementation strategy that would genuinely benefit the citizens, he said, noting that the areas from which land is being allocated do not have the basic facilities and infrastructure essential for habitation.

"Doing something for the sake of doing it will not benefit [the people] in any way," he said.

Muizzu further said he had been criticized by some for making "too many pledges" for the presidential election. These comments are based on insecurities that stem from having failed to fulfill their own pledges in the past, he said, assuring that he was not someone who speaks falsely to deceive the people.

Outlining specific pledges for Guraidhoo, Gulhi, and Maafushi, Dr. Muizzu said he would explore how to further expand the dredged land of Guraidhoo and Maafushi and bring changes as desired by the people. He pledged to expedite the Gulhi land reclamation project.

Describing Maafushi as one of the most dollar-denominated islands in the Maldives after Male', Muizzu said he would install the first USD ATM in the atolls in Maafushi if he is elected. He also pledged to develop the island's roads and build a ferry terminal in addition to converting the island's school to a single-session school. He made similar promises to address accessibility and erosion issues in Guraidhoo and to build the island's roads.

Dr. Muizzu stressed that addressing issues like erosion and basic services is a government responsibility that doesn't require podium promises.

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