
Dr. Muizzu calls on supporters to join campaign without fearing job loss

The PPM-PNC presidential candidate, Dr. Mohamed Muizzu, has reiterated his commitment to reinstate those who lose their jobs for supporting his campaign once he assumes office.

Speaking at a campaign event at Baa Dharavandhoo on Thursday, Muizzu acknowledged the apprehensions faced by many, especially those employed in government institutions, who wish to engage in his campaign but fear repercussions from their superiors. He emphasized that a job should not be conditional upon supporting any particular individual in a particular manner.

Muizzu called on government employees, excluding political appointees, to freely participate in his campaign during the remaining eight or nine days without fear of job loss. He voiced his confidence in the upcoming election with the collective support he is receiving and assured that those dismissed from their current roles due to their allegiance to him would be reinstated when he is elected.

“Therefore, I would like to call on all the people of this island working in government agencies with the exception of political posts, not to worry about their jobs for the remaining eight or nine days,” Muizzu said.

Muizzu further assured employees that they could work in their islands with the same salary structure and that his administration aims to improve remuneration. As his government addresses existing economic challenges and devises solutions, he would work towards enhancing salaries, he said.