
Deadline extended to apply for land reallocation from Giraavarufalhu to Gulhifalhu

The deadline for applying to transfer land allocation from Giraavarufalhu to Gulhifalhu under the Binveriyaa Scheme has been extended.

The former government allocated 9,001 plots of land in the first round of the Binveriyaa scheme from Hulhumale, Gulhifalhu, and Giraavarufalhu. The current Housing Ministry earlier this month said the initial land allocation from Giraavarufalhu under the former government lacked adequate provision for essential services in the area. Therefore, the government has revised the land use plan for Giraavarufalhu to incorporate such services, leading to the reallocation of a total of 1,347 plots from Giraavarufalhu to Gulhifalhu.

The number and size of land to be relocated to Gulhifalhu are:

193 plots of 1250 sqft
663 plots of 1650 sqft
487 plots of 2050 sqft
4 plots of 2450 sqft

The ministry initially set the deadline to apply for reallocation to 11:00 pm on April 14. However, due to multiple requests, the ministry has now extended the deadline to 11:00 pm on April 18. Those interested in relocating their land from Giraavarufalhu to Gulhifalhu can submit their applications through the Hiyaavahi Portal. If the number of applicants exceeds the available plots, the beneficiaries will be determined by a lottery draw. details regarding the draw will be announced at a later date.

The ministry advised applicants to ensure that the relocation request is completed with the submission of a declaration by all land owners.